Search Results for "divorce"


Property settlement in high net worth divorce cases

High net worth divorce cases are those which involve assets and property with a very high value, sometimes exceeding even 100 million dollars. Divorce and separation cases can get messy. Adding to that, if the divorce involves property and assets with high monetary value, the parties involved might find the […]


How to Protect Your Money in Divorce

Couples who can no longer stay together may decide to go their separate ways by getting a divorce. The fact remains that getting a divorce has a lot of financial implications for both parties. Apart from hiring a qualified divorce lawyer to handle the case, there may also be other […]


5 Tips to Help Foster a Peaceful Divorce

Divorcing your spouse does not always have to be a contentious, fighting tooth-and-nail process like it’s seen in the movies. Contrary to the stereotype, couples should strive to keep the divorce process peaceful, cooperative, and forward-thinking. The most successful divorces are resolved outside of court where both partners work together […]


Do I Need to Use a Solicitor for My Divorce?

There is no objective ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when it comes to pursuing a divorce. There are many different ways of going about it, from a long separation to a swift dissolution – working with a solicitor from the first moment, to effectively DIY-ing it with only online resources to help […]


5 Questions to Ask from Knoxville Divorce Attorneys

Ending your marriage in Tennessee can result in either a divorce trial or a settlement. Since you need to initiate divorce proceedings in both cases, it is advisable to use the expertise of Knoxville divorce attorneys. Even when the split is amicable, you have to deal with tremendous emotional distress […]