Search Results for "calorie intake"


How to lose belly fat?

Most people want to lose belly fat for cosmetic reasons, but there are also many health benefits to losing belly fat. Excess abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. There is no one-size-fits-all answer on how to lose belly […]

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How to Make Chinese Fish Patties

Chinese cuisine is renowned for its depth of flavor and diverse range of dishes. It’s so extensive that it’s almost impossible to experience it all. Yet, one fantastic dish to begin your culinary journey is Chinese fish patties. Today, we will walk you through the exciting journey of preparing this […]

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Calamares en su Tinta recipe

Are you a seafood enthusiast? Do you love exploring new flavors and trying out unique dishes? If so, you’re in for a treat! In the following lines, we’ll be sharing a mouthwatering recipe for Calamares en su Tinta, a classic Spanish dish that will surely impress your taste buds. Get […]


How to Get Your Body Summer Ready

Are you desperate to get the perfect summer body this year? Well, you have come to the right place. Whilst we can’t wait for summer, you’re not alone if the thought of wearing shorts, bikinis, and crop tops for the next few months leaves you feeling insecure and nervous. But […]


A Perfect Plan For A Healthy Life

Due to the pandemic going on due to COVID-19, we all have changed. Since we can’t go out, our bodies have changed, some have lost weight, some have gained weight. The awkward shapes that our bodies are in now are causing a lot of physical and mental tension. Dealing with […]

Weight Loss Surgery

4 Effective Ways of Losing Weight

Losing weight is a common challenge that most people face. Recent studies have shown that most people try to lose weight despite not having adequate knowledge on how to go about it successfully. If you fall under this category, do not fret. Here are four hand-picked practical ways on how […]


Keep an Eye on Your Daily Weight Loss

There are two main levers that help when balancing weight. Everyone knows the “energy in, energy out” formula. Eat more than is expended in energy and it’s stored in the body as fat. But how does one to calculate the right amount to eat? What Is The Body’s Basal Metabolic […]