Search Results for "base più"


CBD and Sleep: Can Cannabidiol Help with Insomnia?

Millions of people experience insomnia, a common sleep problem that makes it difficult to get to sleep, stay asleep, or have a restful sleep. While various remedies are available, one emerging option is CBD, or cannabidiol, a compound derived from the cannabis plant. This post will examine CBD’s ability to […]


What every QA must know about Selenium 4?

Back in August of 2018 the whole testing automation community had been struck by the big news: Simon Stewart, the founding member of Selenium, had officially confirmed the release date and some of the major updates for Selenium 4 at the Selenium Conference in Bangalore. The 4.0 version of the […]


8 Best Automation Testing Tools to Utilize in 2018

Test automation is one of the most financially savvy and efficient strategies for testing software products with long upkeep cycles. Without a doubt, it makes the life of a tester very easy. But, there are a lot of automation testing tools accessible in the market, which makes it hard to […]