Search Results for "arthritis"

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How Can Physiotherapy Help Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the process of degeneration of cartilage inside our joints as time passes. Cartilage may be the protective element that coats the ends of bones where they come in contact with one another in your joints. Osteoarthritis can often be referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis and is […]

Elder care

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Essential Safety Measures

Over-the-counter medicines are not effective in treating autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is caused by the body's own immune system, which is why treating it is not easy. Among several types of autoimmune diseases, some are fatal, and some are not-so-fatal. Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a very […]


Prevention of Arthritis: How Bananas Can Help

Despite what many suspect about arthritis, most doctors recommend a healthier diet to their patients rather than a mountain of pills. While you should naturally watch the portion size to what you eat, you should also put a primary focus on fruits, vegetables and nuts. The expected diet is dependent […]


How Playing Football May Increase Arthritis Risks?

The world is currently enjoying FIFA World Cup in Brazil and nobody is worried about the dangers football can subject the players into. According to latest research, a range of sporting events including football increase the risk of a player to developing arthritis. In an annual meeting for the American […]

Exercise For Arthritis

Exercises to Prevent Disability Due to Arthritis

For those of us who suffer from some form of arthritis, the idea of exercising seems like a bad one. After all, our joints hurt, right? Why make them hurt even more with exercise? This seems logical, but…it's wrong. Counterintuitive as it seems, exercise is actually our friend. Moderate exercise […]


Is Medical Marijuana the Next Arthritis Treatment?

Marijuana is much in the news these days. What with Colorado’s legalizing of the drug for recreational usage and with the controversy raging over using marijuana as medicine, it’s getting hard to find unbiased, objective information on anything related to the plant. Recreational usage is a whole other topic, and […]

Elder care

Managing Arthritis Pain During Bedtime

Arthritis pain is no joke; people who suffer from arthritis experience chronic pain that bothers even when they're asleep. I Just Can't Sleep Enough Sleep deprivation is a common problem with people who suffer from arthritis. They find it tough to go to sleep, thus most of them suffer from […]


Thigh Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In order to get up, move our legs, and subsequently move our entire body, we largely rely on our thighs. As a result of these activities, thigh discomfort is very common and can have a number of reasons. Your thighs are made up of one bone, the femur, as well […]