Search Results for "actual printing"


Top Tips to Choose the Right 3D Printing Service

Additive manufacturing, better known as 3-D printing, is perhaps one of the most popular technologies of the present era. With its wide number of applications and uses, the possibilities that 3-D printers open for the users are endless. If you look back at the history of 3-D printing, you may […]


Tips for Finding a Quality Lenticular Printing Company

We are living in a world where traditional printers have become very affordable. Many businesses and households own a copier/printer or two. Printed copy can be very beneficial for a company through direct mail marketing and many other avenues, but as printing technology advances so follows the possibilities involved with […]


Impact of 3D printing on rapid prototyping costs

3D printing, also referred to as additive manufacturing by many, has been welcomed in all spheres of life to replace the age-old traditional forms of manufacturing. Unlike traditional methods of manufacturing 3D printing does not require cutting raw materials to produce an end product. It is actually a rapid prototyping […]


A Practical Approach to Cut Printing Costs

It is not uncommon for companies to underestimate or fail to make an accounting of their printing expenses. If your company is one of these, you should know that a company’s expenses for document generation and copying can go as high as 3% of its annual revenues. This is quite […]


The Role of 3D Printing in Saving Life

When the concept of 3D first came into being, it took little time to capture the attention of people. Most people regard it as a manufacturing strategy. People are not wrong either. This is a manufacturing technology but the very idea of creating physical objects from a computer file is […]


3D Printing Makes Life Changing Surgeries Possible

Though 3D printed items like pizza and chocolate is satisfying for most, it still holds a lot of unfulfilled potential. No doubt we are enthusiastic about these advancements, but we are chiefly excited about the advancements made in medicine. This is the domain where 3D printing casts significant impact. The […]