Search Results for "WiFi"

Data security

Why Should We Be Cautious about Public WiFi?

Free Wi-Fi – a ‘WOW’ for everyone. The modern cafeteria, shopping malls, university zones, junctions, public parks, airports, restaurants, hotels, etc. are equipped with the facility of free Wi-Fi. We often see a small gathering of people at certain spots leaning over their smartphones and laptops. Free Wi-Fi is the […]


The Future of Hospitality Wifi

The technology landscape of today is swarming with consumers who demand speedy, reliable Wi-Fi. The hospitality spaces have warmed up to this trend to provide consistent and efficient internet access to all the travelers. Gone are the days when hotel Wi-Fi was just a means to connect guests to the […]


How to Make the Most of Inflight WiFi

For airline companies, flight experience of their passengers is a priority. This is why they are racing to equip their airplanes with inflight WiFi. Starting off as an exceptional idea, inflight WiFi has quickly turned into an amenity for passengers. Flyers are willing to pay for improving their inflight experience. […]


Home Security Technological Advances

Security systems for the home are readily available in the marketplace, but many of them have inherent weaknesses that make them less than ideal. However, technology has continued to evolve, and a lot of security service providers have kept up to date with the advances in the field. These improvements […]


Google Is Getting Physical

Google is one of the biggest companies in the world. It’s worth more than one trillion dollars, and has become part of our everyday lives. When we search for something on the internet, we “Google” it. Unless you have an iPhone, you’re interacting with Google-made software every time you use […]


Why Streaming Services Won’t Replace Cable TV

Streaming is a cost-effective alternative to a hefty cable subscription. Starting as low as $15 per month, most of the consumers are shifting toward cord-cutting. The reason is obvious that streaming services offer ease, convenience, and cost-effective solutions to provide entertainment. As much as 80% of American households have a […]


Linux versus Windows: Pros and Cons

When choosing an operating system, you are looking above all for extended functionality, stability, security, and reliability. For a long time, Linux pranced at the top of software in terms of stability, before being overtaken by Windows. Regarding security, however, Linux seems to retain a certain advantage, given that it is less […]