Search Results for "Gold bushes"

Society & Culture

Why Flowers Don’t Grow Old

Have you ever wondered how long we have been playing with flowers as a civilization, particularly here in Australia? The oldest flower shops in the country date back to the earliest 20th century. The oldest flower shop in the world was opened in the 19th century. We are in the […]


Tips and Tricks to Rid Gardens of Pests

Summer may be prime gardening season, but autumn’s mild temperatures create ideal conditions for cool-season reaping like lettuce, carrots and cauliflower. These cool-weather crops can make a garden extremely attractive to unwelcome guests. Pests are any living organism which is destructive and invasive to crops, food and livestock, and can […]

Growing Your Own Vegetables in Your Garden

Growing Your Own Vegetables in the Garden

It is arguable that the actual saving through growing your own vegetables in a small garden is marginal. Perversely, the saving may be greater in the countryside since the distributive system favours vast areas of population and often results in cheaper and more plentiful vegetables in towns. Naturally, the more […]