Search Results for "parking"


Latest Innovations in Smart Car Parking

As the general road performance of cars has become somewhat standardised (and thus homogenised) in recent years, it is almost as if the advertising heads of the world’s top car companies have collectively settled on a new marketing strategy – focus on the onboard technology. There is scarcely a car […]


A Guide to Parking Inside

Think your car is safe inside your garage? Take a look inside and answer again. Unless you have an underground bunker, with hermetically sealed doors, perfectly filtered air and a completely empty lot with your car standing in the middle, chances are, your car can and pretty much will get […]


Why Cities Need Smart Parking?

In this post: we look at how major cities could manage parking issues with smart parking solutions and what regulations can help cities plan future-proof infrastructure. America’s fascination towards football – especially the Super Bowl LIII – is mesmeric. While the city of Atlanta hosted the latest showdown, the city planners, police and […]


The Parking Problems that Many Truck Drivers Face

Truck drivers are strongly recommended to park their trucks in the right area. Improper parking of semi-trucks is a chief reason behind the increasing number of truck accidents. A semi-truck improperly parked on the freeway increases the odds of accidents. Passenger vehicle owners are also advised to look out for […]


What Not To Do when Parking Your Car

We have all seen those types of people that park carelessly, earning them the label, “a bad parker.” Maybe they park poorly on purpose to make a statement. Maybe they do not remember learning in Drivers Ed that you can’t park in front of a driveway, intersection, or on a […]


The World’s Most Expensive Parking Spaces

It was recently revealed that an underground parking space near to the Royal Albert Hall had gone onto the open market for a staggering £275,000 – that's ten times the average annual salary in the UK. But this isn't the first piece of parking real estate that's come with a […]


Top 7 Car Safety Technologies

Vehicles are one of the best inventions in mankind’s history. Unfortunately, they can be incredibly dangerous,–where millions of lives are lost yearly due to car accidents. Luckily, car safety technologies have advanced tremendously. Below is a list of the top car safety technologies that can help secure your life as […]