Search Results for "green plants"

Green tech

5 Green Apps to Build a Better World

Even as the love for technology grows, green lifestyle movement is gaining momentum. People have been realizing that no-holds-barred approach to technology and industrial growth won’t help them grow in the real sense of the word. Only if the environment is treated well and a balanced approach is adopted, things […]


How to Make Your House Greener than Ever

Despite numerous perks, the problem with the modern world is that it’s closer to extinction that we can realize. By doing lots of things that have a negative impact on our planet, we have jeopardized the future of Mother Earth and everyone living on it, and it’s high time we […]


Making the Right Choice with Greenhouse Staging

When it comes to introducing a greenhouse to your garden, you have so many different things to consider. From knowing which part of the garden receives the most sunlight throughout the day, to the warmest and best areas for ventilation. These elements may seem small, but each are huge contributing […]


14 Great Plants for Your Pergola

If you’ve just had a pergola erected in your garden, or you already have one but it’s looking bare and badly needs some plant cover, you’ll be wondering which plants are the best to grow on it. Here, we’ve provided a selection of 14 beauties for you to choose from […]


About the Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse effect is a naturally-occurring phenomenon which warms the surface of the Earth. The Greenhouse effect is described as the inward bound and outward bound radiation which warms the surface of the Earth. When the solar radiation enters into the Earth’s atmosphere, some of them are ricocheted back to […]

Heating a greenhouse in the winter.

Heating a Greenhouse During The Winter

In climates where frost is severe or prolonged, heat is needed unless the greenhouse is to remain empty throughout the winter. Where winters are not severe, however, it is worth looking at the limitations of a cold greenhouse. From about mid-spring to late autumn, all the plants that need cold […]