Search Results for "collateral"


HQLA and Collateral Management

High quality liquid assets (HQLA) have gained increased attention from regulators, liquidity managers and collateral managers following the 2008 financial crisis. Banks have been required to more clearly define and manage liquidity with regulations for cashflow mismatch risk (CFMR) and the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) directly targeting HQLA standards for […]


The Advantages of Quick Loans

If you need money urgently, this post is for you. You might have heard that applying for a loan is a time-consuming process. Sean Martin D. Plantado, head of customer service at, notes that applying for traditional loans takes a lot of effort and time. You must fill out […]


The Pros and Cons of Auto Title Loans

When people need a little extra cash, one of the best ways they do this is by taking out a car title loan using the collateral of their own vehicle. Instead of looking at the entire picture and terms, many people storm right into this type of loan not really […]

Small business

Five Small Business Weak Spots You Should Avoid

Starting a business is a momentous milestone for many young entrepreneurs. However, growing and maintaining one can be a real challenge. Every company has its own strengths, which we refer to as distinctive advantages and competencies that allow a business to strive, establish authority and achieve goals, such as generating […]

building a brand namefreemium model

How to Build a Unique Brand Identity

Just because you make that doesn’t mean that they will buy it. You have to add value to your product. While working on your brand identity, you have to keep some key points in your mind. Make it easy for people to remember. Stand Out and catch the attention. Make […]