Search Results for "VPS server"

PC gamer

Game Server VPS – What Should You Look for?

Hosting one’s own gaming server is a practice almost as old as the gaming industry itself. With time, official, publisher-supported servers have gained prominence and have become mainstream. This process however has not reduced the popularity of hosting your own game servers. This is especially true for servers that are […]

Web reviews

Greengeeks Managed VPS Hosting Review

A managed virtual private server (VPS) is a hosting service that offers you a virtual, segregated, independent server managed by your hosting provider. There are many benefits to this hosting option. The first is that it’s managed, meaning you don’t have to worry about any setup or maintenance. Everything is […]


VPS and The Main Characteristics of a VPS

Any business on the internet, whether it’s a simple blog or a large virtual store, needs web hosting. Without hosting, your domain will not be accessible! The question that small entrepreneurs usually ask, especially those who have not gotten into the online environment but have plans for the future, is: Why would […]


5 Reasons You Should Prefer Windows VPS Hosting

In today’s technically advanced world, there is nothing that isn’t achievable through the digital medium. Be it hosting a website or using a software for data management, you get it all through easy and cost-effective methods. And when you need help with your website hosting requirements, the primary things to […]


About VPS and How to Choose Them?

In a world full of options, there are quite a few hosting options that you could choose from. However, when it comes to finding a reliable hosting option and something that allows you to gain the most, nothing beats VPS. Wondering why that may be such a great idea for […]


The Advantages of Cloud Hosting over VPS Hosting

VPS hosting has been around for many years and has provided an adequate and cost-effective platform for many business and personal hosting requirements. It was certainly a lot more affordable than dedicated hosting where a single server is responsible for only your hosting needs. Cloud hosting, as an alternative, used […]